$5 ea.
Come #ROCK with us on Friday March 21st with special guests Last Call Hero!!!
Friday March 21, 2025 • 7:00PM-11:00PM
Saturday March 15, 2025 • 6:00pm-10:00pm
Monday March 17, 2025 • 5:00pm-10:00pm
See Pimlico's Facebook Page for details!
Friday March 17, 2022 • 2PM-10PM • See Pimlico's Facebook Page for details!
Thursday March 17, 2022 • 3PM-9PM • See Pimlico's Facebook Page for details!
Come on out on Saturday January 29th 10am-2pm for the #ChiliChallenge! Family-friendly event with FREE entry ... and LIVE music by #Soulshine!!! \m/
Great NYE Party at Coushatte Recreation Ranch! It was a blast to make some noise with the guys! Met some new friends including Ken, who sat in with us for a few songs and blew us away!
To simply say that the show at Twisted River Ranch was rained out is a gross understatement. After a few hours of torrential rain and lightening we were forced to cancel the show. In the process of exiting the grounds 3-of-4 band vehicles (along with many other folks there) got stuck and had to be pulled out via tractor! #facepalm
We did manage to finish the night with a #toast ... then #WaffleHouse!
Come on out to Twisted River Ranch in Crosby, TX for a Labor Day Weekend bash!!!
Twisted Tacos • Kunodoz BBQ • Food Trucks • Camping • Swimming • 4-Wheeling
Pass Required For Entry • Coolers & Grills Welcome • NO Glass Containers
For ticket details visit Twisted River Ranch on Facebook.
Out of an abundance of caution the following #Soulshine shows have been postponed:
• Tuesday March 17th @ Pimlico Irish Pub - Houston, TX
• Saturday April 4th @ Main Street Bar & Venue - Eagle Lake, TX
Hoping everyone had a joyous Holiday season. Now, back to the #rocknroll!!!
Hey there #Friends!!! Check out this video by Dan Ko @ DHKo Productions of us covering "Sympathy For The Devil" at Pimlico Irish Pub for the #IrreverentWarriors! #SilkieHike2019:
Thank you to all our family, fans, and friends for making our 15th Anniversary Party an absolute #blast! Here's to another 15 years ... and more! \m/
It was an absolute #honor so support the Irreverent Warriors #SilkieHike @ Pimlico Irish Pub! And an added honor to celebrate Tracey and Kevin's #anniversary! <3
We are so honored to entertain for The Villages Independence Festival and the Gleanloch Farms Community 4th of July Festival! It was a long day but we had an absolute #blast! (fireworks pun intended).
We hope Errbody had a safe and happy #4thOfJuly! More pics in the gallery soon.
Photos by Jean-Marc Buytaert
Throwing a super big "Thank You!" to Everyone for coming out on Saturday to Bikes On The Bayou 2019. Y'all rocked it! Hope we see you next year! \m/
"Thank You!!!" to Everyone for partying with us at #PimlicoIrishPub for your St. Paddy's Day weekend! This was our 3rd year in a row at Pimlico for Paddy's Day ... and we could not have asked for better crowds! #StayGreenFriends
Saturday March 16th
#PaddysDay @ #PimlicoIrishPub is looking to be the party event of the year!!!
And there is a special treat: The #LadyHavokDancers will be joining us on Saturday afternoon! Y'all don't wanna miss this!!!
#Soulshine will be performing multiple sets 3:00pm-10:00pm on Saturday March 16th. #PaddysDayPractice
We return on #PaddysDay Sunday March 17th 11:00am-3:00pm, followed by #GreenForADay 4:00pm-6:00pm, and #80HD 7:00pm-10:00pm.
Visit Pimlico on Facebook for entry information (wrist band purchase required).
Thank you All for coming out to shows in 2018! You gals and guys really make what we do special ... and wicked fun!
#Soulshine had an absolute blast at the #MollysPub #ChristmastimeParty last night! It was chilly, but all you #cool folks #heated up the party in a hurry!!! \m/
Super big thanks to #Ducky and the staff @ Mollys. We're already looking forward to coming back!
Big thanks to all the #coolkids who partied with us. Already looking forward to our next show!!! Pics coming soon.
Super big thanks to all our friends for making the party lively ... and spooky! 😁🤘🤘
The #OpenJam hosted by #Soulshine at Bubba's on Washington on Tuesday nights is moving to a new venue!
Check back here, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for the latest news regarding the new location!!!
It was our honor to lend our support to the benefit for Jeff “Krayon” and Melanie “Krayola” Allen on Saturday August 18th. Big thanks to Kevin Billings @txbikerchef for bring us in and feeding us some awesome #barbque! #Mmmmmm
It was a heckova party! Can't wait to share the bill again with these fine Gents! #SoulshineRocks #StoutIrishRock
Super #cool having the English Gents from Into The Ark join us for the Jam!
What an #awesome weekend! Bikes On The Bayou was a total BLAST!!! Thank's to all the great folks who joined us!
#PaddysDay @ Pimlico Irish Pub was even more spectacular than last year!!! #DontHaveAClueBarbeque was AWESOME! Thank's to all the great folks who joined us!
#Soulshine had an absolute #blast performing for the crowds on Friday (Nov 3rd) and Sunday (Nov 5th) nights! Pics and video coming soon!
The acoustics in this intimate venue are amazing! Looking forward to our next visit. \m/
Saturday April 4th, 2017 • 11:00am - 2:00am • Mongoose Versus Cobra and Leon's Lounge
Check out coverage of the event by #HoustonPress HERE!
#Soulshine sending out a huge "Thank You" to #TailgateOnMcGowen, #MongooseVersusCobra, #LeonsLounge, #Blaggards, #Edgebrook, #MysteryLovesCompany, #OutlawDave, #HarlemRoadTexasBBQ, Mayor #Turner and the #CityOfHouston #SpecialEventsOffice! #TailgateOnMcGowen was an incredible event and we are honored to have been a part of it!
We would be remise if we didn't also thank the marvelous liquid libation providers #8thWonderBrewery, #EurekaHeightsBrewCo, #LonePintBrewery, #SouthernStarBrewing, #SaintArnoldBrewingCompany and #TownInCityBrewingCompany as well as #RepublicTequila, #1876Vodka, #YellowRoseDistilling, and #DrippingSpringsVodkaAndGin!
#Soulshine had an absolute blast performing with our good friends #Blaggards for Pimlico's 4th Annual Birthday Bash on Saturday! We're #SuperStoked to be back for #PaddysDay this Saturday March 17th!!!
#Soulshine, one of Houston's hottest live music experiences, has been entertaining crowds, and raising drink sales, for the last 15 years. Highly regarded by members of Houston's media, bar owners, and (most importantly) paying customers, Soulshine offers an alternative to the typical bar band. With an ever expanding set list, Soulshine has something for everyone. Come to one show, and you will know why every venue invites Soulshine back again and again.
Have you taken photos or video at one of our shows? Share on Facebook or Twitter and tag with #SoulshineRocks for a chance to win something cool from the band!
Book Soulshine for your
Contact us via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 832-445-5488.